Margin Watch

Margin Watch is a BotManager Add-On

The main goal here is to minimize the chance of getting liquidated. It is not a 100% guarantee, it can only help you in some situations and you might sleep a little bit better 🙂

Currently supported Exchanges are Binance Futures and FTX Futures.

This Add-On will communicate the important things (cancel safeties, close positions) directly with the exchange API. The 3Commas API is also used to synchronize changes with the corresponding deals, but this is done with a lower priority in the background. In the event of an API failure, there are queues and retry mechanisms in place to make it as reliable as possible.


  • Panel: Margin Watch
    • Start Bots if Margin Ratio > X (3C API)
    • Whitelist to start specific Bots only (3C API)
    • Stop Bots if Margin Ratio < X (3C API)
    • Cancel Safety Orders if Margin Ratio > X (Exchange API first, 3C API with lower priority)
    • Close Positions if Margin Ratio > X (Exchange API first, 3C Api with lower priority)
    • Simulation mode (highly recommended for testing first!)

Here are some examples for the whitelist feature which is used by the option “Start SPECIFIC bots”. There are currently 2 fields to choose from: “Pair” and “Bot Name”. You can combine your expressions using AND / OR or create groups. Several operators are available, see below…

Whitelist example 1: Start only bots with Pairs: SXP or BTC or ETH
Whitelist example 2: Start only bots if name does not contain “NOT IN USE”
Whitelist example 3: Start bots if Pair is SXP, BTC or ETH AND only if Bot name Begins with “ACTIVE BOT”
There is wide range of different operators
  • New Column “Margin Ratio” in Account Table
  • Panel: Current Ratio
    • Displays ratio of a specific account ot automatically of the account with highest ratio


  • A direct Exchange connection to your Account
    • Binance Futures (read + futures permission needed)
    • FTX (Trading permission)


If you want to use subaccounts on FTX you also need to provide the name you used on the website and tell the bot manager:

This information is not required for Binance subaccounts.

How do I get it?

  • Click on Add-Ons
  • Click on Login and Sign up
  • Tell me your Email Address on telegram and I will activate the subscription for you to test.

Something else I should know?

Yes! Be careful what you do and always check your settings before turning them on.

Also Binance Hedge Mode and Isolated Margin are not supported. Margin Watch will only close cross margin positions, isolated positions will be skipped.

Note that the margin ratio of Binance and FTX is not 100% the same as the platforms simply calculate differently. The ratio scales from 0-100, but you will most likely need to use different limits. Therefore, it makes little sense to use Binance and FTX at the same time. It is possible, but only with the same limit values.


40$ / month or 400$ / year

And as always: If you need something – let me know! 🙂